
This section assumes my-connector project has been generated.

Connector Hub is a public repository of connectors. You can publish your connector as private to use on different computers or pubic to share it with the community.


Publish to Connector Hub

The final step would be to use cdk publish and publish the Connector to the Hub.

If run without arguments, it will pack everything needed into a package and push the package to the Hub.

You inspect the package file and make modifications before the push:

% cdk publish --pack
Using hub
Creating package aj/my-connector@0.1.0
.. fill out info in hub/package-meta.yaml
Package hub/my-connector-0.1.0.ipkg created

Check the file and then push. The file is a Tar Gzip archive.

$ cdk publish --push hub/my-connector-0.1.0.ipkg

The publish command uses hub/package-meta.yml file with the metadata needed for the Hub. If it doesn’t exist, cdk creates it for you. Then, you can modify it, and the changes will be picked up on the subsequent command execution.



  1. Generate a Connector
  2. Build and Test
  3. Start and Shutdown
  4. Troubleshooting
  5. Secrets
  6. Publish to Connector Hub
  7. Use Examples in Github